The MS Zenobia deservedly ranks among the top 10 wreck dive sites in the world and boasts the richest array of marine life on the island.

The Swedish Challenger Class roll-on-roll-off ferry was carrying 108 articulated lorries with a diverse array of cargo when she sank off the coast of Larnaka in 1980 on her maiden voyage, thus naming her ‘the Titanic of the Mediterranean’.

Due to a malfunction in her computer-assisted stabilising system, the ferry slowly inclined over the course of a few days before finally sinking on her port side where she now lies on a flat bed of sand and rocks, inviting divers to explore her rich treasures. As there is so much to discover, it is highly recommended to take two dives to fully experience all the Zenobia has to offer.

Among the highlights of this famous must-dive are: 100 trucks that float in eerie suspension within the huge cargo bay; the engine room; two enormous propellors, and of course the cargo itself, which was estimated at £200 million at the time of sinking. The immortalised freight includescars, military equipment, games, telecommunication systems and food. There are even intact hen eggs!

Among the incredible marine life is a shy, resident moray eel and visiting turtles, whilst many other marine life is in abundance, such as barracuda, breams, grouper, jacks, kingfish, lionfish, octopi, sea slugs, sponges, star fish, stingrays, trigger fishandtube worms.
Tour the dive virtually here.

Location:Larnaka Bay
GPS Coordinates:34° 53’31.80″N 33° 39’16.20″E
Type of Dive Site:Wreck(also suitable for scooter diving)
Depth:16– 42 metres
Dimensions:172 metres long / 28 metres wide
Access:By boat (1.5km from the shore)
Qualification Required: Advanced Open Water / Boat Diver
Dive Category:Recreational and Technical Diving