Safety in Cyprus
Cyprus has an excellent reputation for being a safe and friendly place. You can help keep it that way. A few basic precautions can be enough to protect your belongings.
Crime in Cyprus is, comparatively, at a very low level. The Police Force is always ready to provide any assistance to persons who need help. Dial the telephone numbers below for the various police departments:
– In case of emergency: 112.
– For complaints: 1460
– For drugs information: 1498 (Policy Drug Law Enforcement Unit)
Emergencies / Hospitals
In case of emergency, immediate response is given by the following telephone numbers, where English is spoken:
– Ambulance: 112
– Fire Service: 112
– Police: 112
– Night Pharmacies: 11892
– Night Pharmacies automatic recording for Lefkosia (Nicosia): +357 90 901 412
– Night Pharmacies automatic recording Lemesos (Limassol): +357 90 901 415
– Night Pharmacies automatic recording Larnaka (Larnaca): +357 90 901 414
– Night Pharmacies automatic recording Pafos (Paphos): +357 90 901 416
– Night Pharmacies automatic recording Ammochostos (Famagusta): +357 90 901 413
– AIDS Advisory Centre: +357 22 305 155
– Narcotics Emergency Service: Information 1498
– Centre for drugs and Poisoning: +357 90 901 401
– Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (Naval and Air Accidents): 1441
Regional Hospitals:
– Lefkosia General Hospital: +357 22 603 000 (Accidents & Emergency)
– Makario Hospital: +357 22 405 000
– Lemesos General l Hospital: +357 25 801 100
– Lemesos Old General Hospital: +357 25 305 333
– Larnaka General Hospital: +357 24 800 500
– Larnaka Old General Hospital: +357 24828768
– Pafos General Hospital: +357 26 803 100
– Paralimni Hospital: +357 23 200 000
– Platres Hospital: +357 25 422 224
– Polis Hospital: +357 26 821 800
– TroodosHospital (Kyperounta village): +357 25 806 700
– Agros Rural Health Centre: +357 25 521 317
Medical Services
Medical care needs in Cyprus are met through Government General Hospitals (as listed under the Emergencies/Hospitals section), and Private Clinics / Hospitals. The majority of doctors can converse in English, whilst nursing staff speak a range of languages.
Government General Hospitals and Private Clinics/Hospitals are mostly concentrated in urban areas, while health centres, sub centres, and dispensaries function in the rural areas, providing a network to meet the medical needs of the whole population.
All Government General Hospitals as well as some private clinics have Accident and Emergency Departments for emergency cases.
Holidaymakers can also make use of their health insurance, which covers medical expenses, provided that this insurance covers the length of their stay on the island.
The visiting hours for private doctors (on weekdays) are: 09:00 – 13:00 / 16:00 – 19:00.
Information on private doctors on call on weekends/Public Holidays is given at the following telephone numbers:17000 or +357 22017000
Most hotels make arrangements for Medical Services for their guests upon request.
Almost all brands of manufactured medicines are available in Cyprus. Local newspapers and the internet list pharmacies which are open during the night and on weekends/Public Holidays, as well as the names of doctors who are on call on weekends/Public Holidays.
For more detailed information on the healthcare system and the medical services available on the island, visit the Ministry of Health.
Chemists / Pharmacies
Medicine can be purchased at pharmacies on presentation of a doctor’s prescription. Almost all brands of medicine are available in Cyprus. Pharmacies are all marked with a green cross.
The names, addresses and telephone numbers of pharmacies that remain open till late at night (in winter till 22:00 and in summer till 23:00), and on Public Holidays / weekends are listed in the daily papers and on the internet. Information is also given through the following automatic telephone numbers in ENGLISH:
– Lefkosia: +357 90 901 412
– Lemesos: +357 90 901 415
– Larnaka: +357 90 901 414
– Pafos: +357 90 901 416
– Ammochostos: +357 90 901 413
Opening hours are as follows:
– May – September:
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 13:30 / 16:00 – 19:30
Wednesday and Saturday: 08:00 – 13:30
– October – April:
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 13:30 / 15:00 – 18:30
Wednesday and Saturday: 08:00 – 13:30
Food Safety and Drinking Water Quality
The safety of food and drinking water quality in Cyprus is monitored by the Health Inspectors of the Medical and Public Health Services of the Ministry of Health and the Local Authorities.
Food and drinking water are of high quality, absolutely safe and no food or water-borne diseases occur.
Cyprus is also free from dangerous infectious diseases. There are no vaccination requirements for any international travellers.
Climate-climatic conditions in Cyprus can be termed as excellent from a health point of view. Therefore, the climate is ideal for holiday travellers throughout the year.
Driving Safely on the Island
Please note the following for driving safely on the island:
– Traffic moves on the LEFT hand-side of the road, NOT on the right.
– International road traffic signs are in use, and placed along the roads and highways, on the left hand-side.
– Distances and road speed limits are posted in kilometres and kilometres -per hour (km/h) respectively.
– The maximum speed limit on the motorways is 100 km/h and the lower speed limit is 65 km/h.
– On all other roads the general speed limit is 80 km/h, unless a lower one is indicated.
– In built-up areas, the speed limit is generally 50km/h, unless a different one is indicated.
– The use of seat–belts is compulsory (front and back).
– Children must use the child restraint appropriate for their weight.
– Children can travel in the rear and use an adult belt in a taxi if the right child restraint is not available.
– Rear facing baby seats must NOT be used in a seat protected by a frontal air bag unless the air bag has been deactivated manually or automatically.
– Rush hours in the towns are approximately between 07:30 – 08:00 / 13:00 – 15:30 and in late afternoon 17:00 – 18:00 in winter, or 18:00 – 19:00 in summer.
– Due to the intense brightness of the clear Mediterranean sky, drivers are advised to wear sunglasses.
– Driving, or being in charge of a motor vehicle or pedal cycle with alcohol concentration in breath or blood above the prescribed limit, is an offence. The permissible limit in the blood is 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (BAC 0,5mg/ml). The permissible limit in breath is up to 22 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of exhaled air.
– In case of an accident, call 112 immediately.
– Hands free during driving is mandatory. During driving, the driver should take all necessary measures to ensure that his/her hands are free at all times in order to have full control of the vehicle. Therefore the use of a mobile phone is strictly prohibited.
Pedestrians must remember that traffic moves on the LEFT side of the road. Therefore you must always:
– Walk on the pavement. If there is no pavement, walk on the right side of the road. (ie. towards the oncoming traffic).
– Look both to your right and left before crossing any road.
– Pedestrians are not allowed to enter motorways, nor are they allowed to walk on the edge of the motorway.
Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Cyprus
Should you need to contact your country’s embassy on the island, detailed information concerning foreign Embassies and High Commissions in Cyprus can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Useful Advice for Embarking on a Coastal Passenger Boat Cruise
The following information is intended to serve as a safety guide for passengers opting to embark on a cruise with a coastal passenger boat:
– Before boarding, ensure that the vessel has a valid certificate.
– The crew onboard should demonstrate how to use all lifesaving equipment in the event of an emergency. If a demonstration does not take place, passengers have the right to insist on a demonstration.
– Do not swim after consuming food or alcohol.
– Avoid jumping into the sea from the upper decks of the vessel or from unsuitable springboards.
– Do not throw rubbish into the sea.
– Do not enter areas that are intended only for crewmembers.
– Remain seated when the boat is moving at high speed and follow the instructions issued by the Skipper and crew.
– Notify family and friends of your intended return time.
– In the event of a medical or non-medical issue, inform the crew and the Skipper of the vessel immediately.
Useful Advice for Renting a High Speed Boat or Jet Ski
The following information is intended to serve as a safety guide when renting a high speed boat (HSB) or jet ski (JS):
– Do not rent a HSB or JS after consuming alcohol.
– Ensure that you only rent a HSB or JS from an authorised watersports facility.
– Check that the HSB or JS has a valid license.
– Before you set out, ensure that you are familiar with the HSB or JS.
– The operation of a HSB or JS should be fully demonstrated to you before you set out, along with its lifesaving, firefighting, lighting, communications, and medical equipment.
– If you do not hold a valid powerboat operators license, ensure that you and the owner/operator have both signed the binding declaration.
– Ensure that you have fully understood the rules of navigation, as well as the dangers to be avoided.
– Ensure that you have the kill switch lanyard attached to your hands at all times.
– Keep constant watch of the HSB or JS course.
– Operate the HSB or JS at a safe speed at all times.
– Take care to navigate outside the marked bathers’ area, and be aware of swimmers or divers outside the marked bathers’ area.
– Always avoid dangerous manoeuvres or abrupt course changes that may cause a collision with another HSB or JS, or can create waves that may cause imbalance to passengers of another HBS or JS, or result in bodily harm or injury to swimmers or divers.
– Ensure that you do not exceed the number of persons permitted in/on the HSB or JS; as stated on the license.
– Ensure that all persons in/on the HBS or JS remain seated at all times and are wearing life jackets of at least 100N buoyancy.
– Avoid smoking near the fuel tank.
– If you need to use a fire extinguisher, firstly consider the wind direction.
– In the event of an engine problem on a HSB, remain calm; throw down your anchor so as to minimise the drift of your boat by the water currents, and then call The Search and Rescue Coordination Centre, or the nearest Marine Police Station using either the VHF/FM channel 16 or the Emergency Number 1441 or +357 25805350.
– Do not throw rubbish into the sea.
– If you are going to participate in water sports such as parasailing, inflatable banana or water ski, ensure that the boat and its equipment have a valid circulation license, and that the boat operator holds a valid operator’s license.
– Notify family and friends of your intended return time.
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