Month: November 2020

Gastronomic Calendar Sweet and Pies- French (pdf)

Кіпр: 11000 років історії та цивілізації (Ukraine)

Cyprus Travel Planner – Ukraine (pdf)

Roast Goat meat
(Serves 10)
• 10 pieces of goat meat
• 10 medium potatoes, peeled and halved
• 1 medium onion, peeled and quartered
• 2 ripe tomatoes, grated
• 2 bay leaves
• 2 sprigs of rosemary
• 1 sprig of oregano
• ½ teaspoon dry oregano
• ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
• ½ teaspoon salt
• 1 ripe tomato, sliced
• 1 cup water
• 2 tablespoons brandy
1. Thoroughly trim the fat off the meat.
2. Cut the peeled and washed potatoes.
3. Flavour with herbs and add salt in moderation.
4. Add the grated tomatoes.
5. Stir together in a large bowl.
6. Put in a clay pot or pan and put the tomato slices on top.
7. Pour in the water, brandy and onion.
8. Cover the container with a lid and extra foil if you bake it in the traditional clay oven.
9. Otherwise, bake in a preheated oven at 200 oC.
Chef’s tip:

Stuffed vegetables
(Serves 10)
• 2 red medium tomatoes
• 2 zucchini/courgettes
• 2 green or coloured peppers
• 2 large onions (optional)
• 2 small eggplants/aubergines(optional)
• ½ cup olive oil
• ½ cup glutinous rice
• 150g minced pork meat
• Juice of ½ lemon
• Salt, dry mint, cinnamon
• Freshly ground pepper
• ½ bunch chopped parsley
• 1 small onion, finely chopped
• 2 medium red tomatoes, grated or chopped
1. Clean and cut the tops off the peppers and tomatoes to create lids, set the tops aside.
Scoop out the pepper seeds and discard. Scoop out the tomato flesh and seeds and reserve.
Cut the aubergines and courgettes lengthways and scoop out the seeds and flesh.
Add the flesh to the tomato flesh and seeds and chop well.
2. Saute the vegetables in a pan except for the tomatoes. In a large pan fry the onion with a little olive oil until soft.
Add the chopped vegetable flesh, the tomato purée and the minced pork. Cook for about 10 minutes until softened.
3. Add the rice and a cup of vegetable stock, raise to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Season with salt and pepper and stir in the herbs. Place the vegetables in a large baking pan and fill them.
Place the lids on the peppers and tomatoes.
4. Pour in a little stock and sprinkle with grated tomatoes.
5. Bake for about 25-30 minutes at 180 oC.
6. Serve with sheep’s yogurt and a traditional Cypriot salad.
Chef’s tip:

Agrelia (wild asparagus)
(serves 4)
• 2 bunches (300g) wild asparagus cut and trimmed
• 4 eggs
• ½ cup olive oil
• Juice of one lemon
• Salt
• Freshly ground pepper
1. Cut the spears of wild asparagus and wash thoroughly with water.
2. In a nonstick pan pour the olive oil and add the wild asparagus.
3. Sautee the asparagus by stirring over low heat for a few minutes and season with salt
and pepper to taste.
4. Mix the eggs with a whisk and add them to the pan,
so that it is evenly distributed and looks like an omelet.
5. Then add the lemon juice.
6. Finally add fresh herbs such as oregano, mint and parsley.
Chef’s tip:
to remove the bitter taste.

Γαστρονομικό Ημερολόγιο Γλυκά και Πίτες – Ελληνικά (pdf)