Przystanie na Cyprze
Przystań w Larnace Przystań w Larnace jest zlokalizowana w Zatoce Larnaki w odległości 110 mil morskich (Mm) od Libanu i Syrii, 145 Mm od
With the charming backdrop of bobbing boats, the island’s quaint fishing shelters and small harbours are an important part of its connection to the sea, and the source of the delicious fresh fish that is served up at taverns all across Cyprus. At many of the shelters and harbours, visitors can take a leisurely stroll with a seaview, or engage with the local fisherman as they work - many in the traditional way. At some locations, the freshest catch is served up at seafood restaurants that line the immediate area and offer pretty views of the bustling fishing hub, whilst others are tiny with only the boat owners frequenting the site. The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) is responsible for the maintenance and upgrading of existing fishing shelters on the island, along with the construction of new ones, with the aim of providing safe harbouring for professional fishing vessels. Recreational fishing boats can also use the berths when they are free.
At present, 16 fishing shelters/small harbours for fishing operate on the island, varying in the their popularity, activity and surrounding facilities:
Lefkosia (Nicosia) Region
Kato Pyrgos Fishing Shelter
Lemesos (Limassol) Region
- Lemesos Old Port
- Akrotiri Fishing Shelter
Larnaka (Larnaca) Region
- Zygi Fishing Shelter
- Larnaka Fishing Shelter (Livadhia)
- Ormidhia Fishing Shelter
- Xylotympou Fishing Shelter
Pafos (Paphos) Region
- Pafos Harbour
- Pomos Fishing Shelter
- Latchi Harbour
- Agios Georgios Pegeias Fishing Shelter
Ammochostos (Famagusta) Region
- Agia Napa Fishing Shelter
- Agia Triada Fishing Shelter
- Paralimni Fishing Shelter
- Potamos Liopetriou Natural Fishing Shelter
- Xylophagou Fishing Shelter
Please note that fishing in Cyprus requires licensing / a permit that may be obtained from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR), with the only exception being angling from the shoreline.
For further information regarding fishing and fishing shelters in Cyprus, contact the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR):
Tel: +357 22 807 807
Email:[email protected]
Website: www.moa.gov.cy/moa/dfmr/dfmr.nsf
Przystań w Larnace Przystań w Larnace jest zlokalizowana w Zatoce Larnaki w odległości 110 mil morskich (Mm) od Libanu i Syrii, 145 Mm od
Z kołyszącymi się na wodzie łodziami urokliwe przystanie rybackie i małe porty, stanowią ważną część związku wyspy z morzem i źródło pysznych, świeżych ryb, które
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