Drama Short Film Festival on the Road….@ 6 – 8 February 2023
Drama Short Film Festival, the top festival of its kind in Greece, travels over the last twenty five years, with the films that have received awards and distinctions at the Short Film Festival in Drama in a “long voyage” in order to meet with the movie-going audience, which shows an increasing interest in short films every year. With English subtitles.
The travel of the Drama Short Film Festival in Cyprus, is an annual institution of the Deputy Ministry of Culture organised by the Cultural Services in collaboration with the Rialto Theatre, the Friends of Cinema Society Nicosia, the Larnaka Cinema Society, the Limassol Cine Club and the House of Arts and Literature of Pafos.
Venues/ Dates / Information:
Limassol, Rialto Theatre 6 & 7/2, 20:30 – 77777745 rialto.com.cy
Nicosia, Pantheon Cinema 7 & 8/2, 20:30 – ofk.org.cy
Larncaca, Patticheio Municipal Theatre Skala 6/2, 20:30 Larnakacinema.com
Pafos, House of Arts and Literature, 6 & 7/2, 20:00
Entrace: Free