Stories of Intimacy

Stories of Intimacy The Limassol Municipal Arts Center- Apothikes Papadaki, presents the group exhibition "Stories of Intimacy" curated by its Artistic Director Mariza Bargilly. The inauguration will be held by the Mayor of Limassol Mr. Nicos Nicolaides on Friday, February 11, 2022, at 19.00. According to the curator's note, intimacy is often automatically linked to […]

Mitsero Mine Run 2022

Mitsero Mine Run is a Cross Country Run organized by SAS Sports Events Management from 2018, in collaboration with the local community council and Mitsero Youth Center, aiming at highlighting the historic village, the beautiful landscapes and "pictures" of the wider region, as well as establish a race that will provide health and sport to […]

Starlight 4 – Cyprus Symphony Orchestra

CYPRUS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA STARLIGHT 4 Τhe Cyprus Symphony Orchestra is honoured to share the stage in this programme with the charismatic, world-class maestro Carlos Kalmar. During his vast career, Carlos Kalmar has held the position of Music Director of the Oregon Philharmonic for eighteen years and has conducted the most celebrated symphony orchestras of the […]

Lemesos Carnival 2022

Λεμεσιανό Καρναβάλι Πρόγραμμα 2022 ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 24/02, 6μ.μ. ΠΑΤΤΙΧΕΙΟ ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ «ΣΤΕΨΗ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ ΛΕΜΕΣΙΑΝΟΥ ΚΑΡΝΑΒΑΛΙΟΥ 2022» Η Βέρα Ευθυμίου Παρλαλίδου παίρνει το σκήπτρο της από το Βασιλιά Λεμέσιο, στέφεται  βασίλισσα του φετινού Λεμεσιανού Καρναβαλιού και μεταμορφώνεται σε καλή μάγισσα βγαλμένη από τα παραμύθια, για να διώξει για πάντα τον κορωνοϊο από τις ζωές μας. Η […]


PREMIERE 4 Lefkosia: Wednesday 2 March 2022 - Pallas Theatre, Pafos Gate, 20:30 Pafos: Thursday 3 March 2022 - Markideio Municipal Theatre, 20:30 Lemesos: Friday 4 March 2022 - Rialto Theatre, 20:30    The exceptional maestro Alexander Vitlin unites forces with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra to perform a unique and exciting programme featuring the premieres […]

Carnival Cycling Ride

What would carnival be without the “Crazy Carnival Bike Ride”? The Limassol Cycling Club organizes this year it’s Carnival Bike Ride through the city. The ride will take place on Saturday 05/03/2022, starting at 15:00 from the Medieval Castle near the Old Limassol Port. The route distance is 10 km and we will pass through […]


International Competition in shotgun under the ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) which takes place in Cyprus with many athletes taking part from all over the world. A great opportunity for many athletes to start their preparation for the shooting season 2022. Cyprus is an ideal destination for foreign athletes of shooting disciplines due to the […]


Open Pairs and Open Teams competitions Venue: Name:   NAVARRIA Hotel Postal address:  Verginas 14, Limassol 4532 Phone number: +357 25 320855 Fax: +357 25 320707 Website: Start date/End date:   18-22 March 2022 Start time/End time:  18/3 17:00 - 22/3 20:00 Entrance Price/Τicket:  €60 for CBF members, €85 non members Social Media Channels of Event and/or of […]

OPAP Limassol Marathon GSO

The 14th OPAP Limassol Marathon GSO expects to host thousands of runners from Cyprus and abroad on March 19 and 20, 2022. It has an intense race program with 6 different routes, suitable for all ages and performances. On Saturday, March 19, the Primetel 5KM Corporate Road will be held, which gives the opportunity to […]

Σπύρος Δημητριάδης «Ζωή εν κινήσει»

Σπύρος Δημητριάδης «Ζωή εν κινήσει» Εγκαινιάζεται την Τρίτη 29 Μαρτίου 2022 στις 19.00, στο Δημοτικό Κέντρο Τεχνών Λεμεσού- Αποθήκες Παπαδάκη, η αναδρομική έκθεση με τίτλο  «Ζωή εν Κινήσει» που είναι αφιερωμένη στον καλλιτέχνη Σπύρο Δημητριάδη και την 45χρονη καριέρα του. Τα εγκαίνια θα τελέσει ο Δήμαρχος Λεμεσού κ. Νίκος Νικολαΐδης. Εισαγωγή στο έργο του ζωγράφου […]

Embroidered Words I Cantus Novus Femina

Α concert by the Cantus Novus Femina female vocal ensemble of the Cantus Choral Music Centre. Featuring acapella choral arrangements from Cyprus and Greece, as well as new songs from contemporary composers accompanied by soothing folk instrumentation blended seamlessly with traditional prose to create a delicately-woven lyrically traditional idiom.  ​ A woman sings the joys […]