Dromea Racing Running Club, in corporation with Klirou Community Council are organizing the race “Klirou Atovrysi 2024”. The event will take place on Sunday 10th of March 2024, at the Courtyard of the Community Council. All races will start and finish at the front of the Council. The event will host the following races:
KLIROU ATOVRISI Trail 23km (950m ascent) for experienced runners, 18 years old and above. The use of trail shoes is mandatory. The route is very difficult. All cross country elements are harmoniously combined as the route consists mainly of dirt road, asphalt road and technical trails.
ΚLIROU ATOVRISI Cross Country 12km for runners 18 years old and above. The use of trail shoes is mandatory.
KLIROU ATOVRISI Charity 5km for runners 12 years old and above.
Name: Courtyard of Klirou Community Council
Postal address: 99, Arch. Makariou III Ave. Klirou, Nicosia
Phone number: +357 96176222
Event Website and/or Organiser Website: www.dromearacing.com
Social Media Channels of Event and/or of Event Organiser:
Start date/End date: 10 March 2024
Start time/End time: 06:30-11:00
Entrance Price/Τicket:
23km-€22, 12km-€17, 5km-€12, kids-€5
Name: Dromea Racing
Telephone: 96176222
Email: [email protected]